Home was built on a sloped lot. We used an off grade foundation with piers and a susfloor. 2×6 exterior walls. The Insulation package- 5 ½” BIBS insulation in exterior walls, open cell foam at the roof decking, Low E insulated glass for heat deflection, Insulated fiberglass exterior doors, Custom cabinets, granite countertops, Fireplace is a wood burning heater. Maintenance free exterior – fiberglass ext doors, vinyl siding, soffits and porch ceilings, Aluminum columns and railings.


Pensacola, Florida

Year completed



This home was built to replace the original home that had burned down. It was designed and built on the exact site of the original home so that the septic system could be reutilized.

The home was designed with a pier or off-grade foundation with a crawl space. Details such as ventilation, moisture control, drainage and other issues associated with off grade construction were considered in the design phase. We are proactive in dealing with problematic areas that can plague a homeowner so that they can enjoy their new home to the fullest extent.

We installed a wood burning heater in lieu of a fireplace. The wood burning heater together with the energy saving features we incorporate into our homes will result in energy savings.